Rabbit vibrator 10 speed mode
Chargeable rabbit vibrator
Double moto Rabbit vibrator
Waterproof rabbit vibrator
Silicone material rabbit vibrator
Rabbit vibrator for nipple stimulation


SKU: B0492

10の強力で魅力的な振動モード、2つの独立したモーター、クリトリスとGスポットを刺激するデュアル刺激刺激。加熱と振動を個別に制御!100% 防水: ウォッシャブル、スキューバ ダイビング、簡単なシャワー/バスルームのクリーニング。


ダブルモーター 10振動モード

yoyobana ウサギのバイブレーター ディルドは高度な耳のデザインで、わずかにすばやく揺れ、身体に密着し、性的快楽をもたらし、クリトリスに完全にフィットします。 同様の耳のない他のバイブレーターを使用するよりも、より良い感触を得ることができます。 当社のGポイントラビットバイブレーターは、おもちゃとその振動モードの操作と制御が簡単なワンボタンデザインを採用しています。 10 の可変速度は、ディルド バイブレーターを湾曲した G スポット ターゲット軸にスロットルし、他のバイブレーターは古典的なウサギからクリトリスにパルスします。

Classic Rabbit Ears Design

The rabbit dildo is made of high-quality liquid silicone, so there is no need to worry about allergies. The texture is soft but elastic, and your hands will feel comfortable. Smooth surface for easy cleaning and comfortable thrust. The design of a fake penis is suitable for any adult toy game.

Fast charging & 100% Waterproof

Rabbit sex toys have magnetic charging. It can be used for 1-2 hours after being fully charged. IPX7 waterproof, no worries when used in bathtubs and bathrooms.



Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Kurtis Legros

Bought this for my gf while I’m gone on a trip. This has kept her occupied and filled with satisfaction. She told me she want to recommend it to other females while I’d like to recommend it to the guys trying to get their lady’s a nice treat.

Shaina Sporer

Some of the product images are confusing and might give the impression that it does things it does not. It definitely rumbles pretty hard, but it doesn’t do any movements that vibration doesn’t cause. I’ve been having a lot of fun with it! I’m done before the charge runs out :D

Nicholas Lang

Don’t get me wrong it was a little intimidating at first since I’m upgrading for a basic vibrator. I was nervous but so excited to try it. It’s charged in a hrs time. Very simple. I studied it before using and when I comfortable enough I went to it and let me tell you IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT. So for those that are upgrading and are worried about this product just do it like I did!